Dilli Diaries Part 4

7 am

*Tring Tring*
*Tring Tring*
*Tring Tring*
”Wake Up!”

And so it began. Bunny Singh, who has been in Delhi working as a slave for past few months, thought it would be a good idea to wake me up at 7. She was so excited to get her shoes, i mean to meet me that she couldn’t wait till I woke up. Yes her shoes, I will get to that in a bit. So she was going to get off work early and wanted to meet up in CP. I said whatever and went back to sleep. I was still recovering from last night’s drinking. I always forget that I don’t drink whisky 🙁

Woke up some time later. Had tea. Munched on Cookies. Showered. Had Lunch. Left.

Baba drove me to CP where we was to drop me off and go on to meet his fiancé. I was carrying a bright red jhola containing Bunny’s gym clothes and shoes. Oh yea I was supposed to get back to them.

One fine hot winter day back in mumbai, I received a distress call from Bunny. She hadn’t brought her shoes to Delhi and in the winter her feet were freezing because of that. Silly Wabbit! So I was instructed to open her locker at P******m, whose keys she had conveniently lost, and find her gym clothes and shoes in a bag that I was supposed to bring with me to Delhi.

It was not a simple request as you think! Imagine what are the odds of the airport security being suspicious of a guy who looks like me? High. What are the odds they make me open my suitcase? Very High. What would have they thought when they found gym clothes (probably sweaty too) and shoes of a girl who couldn’t be a day over 14, going by the clothes size? Ummm…use your own imagination! Would they have bought my story? Hell No! I would found my butt in the lock up till they finally tracked her down and made sure she was alive. It was a request that needed me to go out on a limb to help my friend and as usual I was up to it.

So I found myself standing in the middle of CP looking for Bunny and vice-versa. Called her up and asked her where she was. She told me. It didn’t help. She asked me where I was. Told her. Didn’t help her either. I asked her if she could see the LIC building, which is the biggest building in CP. Nope. WTF????? Unless she was still underground or she was not in CP at all, how was that possible?? Any way I told her to start walking towards one of the gates of the metro station and I started walking towards them too.

Finally we ran in to each other at gate number 6. I pointed out the LIC building and asked her how could she *NOT* see it. “Oh that! That was behind my back.”……..ARGH!!!!! Any way it was Wabbit and no one can get mad at Wabbit. We found a CCD where I finally handed over her bag and stuff to her and had a cup of Black Coffee. I don’t remember what she had.

Caffeinated, we walked around looking for, what else, Momos!!!! She wanted to eat Momos and nothing else but Momos. So I called up my friends and asked them where could I eat Momos in CP and got different answers and directions from everyone. Overloaded with information that I had gathered we started to walk. And we walked. And then we walked some more. Walking past the same stores again and again. Its a fucking circle! But we couldn’t find it. So we were hungry, tried and pissed.

To rub it in Satty called up and told me that they were all at Flavors in DefCol. Bunny had to get back before dark. She was staying in Noida and knowing how safe Delhi is for women I didn’t argue. So we took the metro to IP. My first trip on the Delhi Metro and boy is it awesome! Reminded me of the NY Subway. Neat Delhi, very neat. Now me wants one in Mumbai fast!

Got off at IP, got her an auto and sent her on her way and I headed to Defence Colony.  Found Flavors. Satty asked me to pick up cigarettes for him so I had to walk a long way to find one shop! This would have never happened in Mumbai! In Mumbai you open your door and there is probably a guy standing there selling cigarettes.

Entered Flavors to find Tanno, Kabira and Satty sitting there with lots of empty plates and bottles on the table. I was starving ordered a Pepperoni pizza with bacon and beer. Next couple of hours just went by in jokes, food, beers and lots and lots of smoke. Had a cup of Black Coffee to wrap up the evening. I had to meet Baba by 8 pm at a Mall so we all left the place.

Satty dropped me on his Bike half way and then I took a rickshaw to the Mall. Met Baba, his fiancé B who shares her name with my BL aka boss and her friend. What a sweet sweet girl. WTF did she do to deserve Baba??? I mean yea Baba is a good guy but not *that* good. Lucky bastard. Had another cup of Black Coffee. Suddenly there was a huge commotion as a strange, fuzzy, and colourful creature walked in to the coffee shop and the waiters started fussing over it. B explained to me that it was a certain famous beautician SH who is known for selling herbal beauty products. Looking at her I wonder if they work at all.

Any way soon I left for the airport and reached Mumbai. yes that’s all i have to say about the flight. Nothing interesting happened on it dammit. Don’t be disappointed, there is a lot more to come. The night I and KurtNiravana had the worst of the worst luck, the day I trekked in National Park and Oh yea Dilli Diaries Sequel ;). Just you wait…

43 thoughts on “Dilli Diaries Part 4

  • Running in circles.


    Well I totally agree about SH, I never use products.
    Hell I barely scrape a bath 😐
    Oh god pizza beer and movies !
    hell why thc even


  • Running in circles.

    Oh and trekking 🙁
    Do I get more benefits cuz I was the first to comment 😛
    Like faster update reminder officer thing 😐

    we all must sleep =P

    Whiskey is pungent, rum smells yum.
    Vodka is when you want to get sloshed on cheap liquor and don’t want anyone at home to find out.
    No smell.
    Well if you can steal a whole bottle of champagne
    Oh God Yum
    I want to drink now 🙁

  • Che


    Bah. Beauty products are for those who need to look beautiful, those who are dont need it 😉
    (am i good with words or what?)

    why thc? erm sorry but i am too old to understand these fancy acronyms you young people use these days 🙁
    wtf is thc?

    benefits? This blog was started for the benefit of mankind! and womankind too.

    sleep is overrated. The demand far exceeds supply. why would you sleep when there are so much more fun things you can do while awake 😛

    Yea whisky no good, rum obviously is the finest liquor and vodka is for nouveau drinkers.

    Champagne is too over rated. try absinthe.



    Oye dont give her any more ideas. She may be tiny but big problems come in small sizes remember?

  • Running in circles.


    Dont sue me for promoting illegal issues

    I agree, I usually sleep 4-5 hours.
    But right now its on a low down.

    I’m not much of a drunkard anymore.
    Its a pity really :'(
    It just stopped working 😐

  • sanely insane

    gal pals are very important to have…i have realized over time…they teach a lot of patience…warna how is it…that somebody doesnt know how to download acrobat reader from the net….see lesson in patience…

  • Natasha

    @ trinaa – thank you for standing up for me! and of course, the totally brilliant suggestion! 😀

    @che – You have no idea what two months in delhi does to a girl’s self defence skills. You just wait till i’m back, tuesday morning, P******M office. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  • Che



    Alcohol stopped working? Hmm thats bad. You need halp!!!


    🙂 Had to find a way to sustain my creative

    @sanely insane:

    Now you know why I am so patient. except the random WTF moments once in a while

  • Che

    @misdirected arrow:

    Oye it brings back my own memories of dilli too. 🙁


    One correction:


    Lets go! except i wont be buying shoes of course.

  • Che


    Oye stop instigating her or I wont get any more lasagna from her 🙁
    elo she cant kill me, i am too loveable 😛

    @Bunny aka Wabbit:

    I am really scared 😛
    nice wabbit. *pats*

  • Preeti

    SH…strange, fuzzy colourful creature…so true…

    arre if the building was behind her…how could she have seen it baba…? i would have done the same thing, you know…

    PS: and now…apart from KN there is me to make your life miserable…buwahahahahaha!!!


  • Preeti Sharma

    This has it all – coffee, liqour, sweet girls, friends….enjoyed the bit where you begrudge Baba his fiance:)Or maybe it was envy or pity, or some other layered emotion…Colorful story!

  • Che


    Yep that was cherry on the cake.

    @The Mental Preeti:

    My life miserable? I don’t have a life any more.

    @The Dental Preeti:

    Oh it was nothing but pure pity for his fiance. I was his room mate for 2 years 😉

  • Running in circles.


    Its all an indulgence.
    Everything that is adulterated and customized has its effects.
    I believe

    But its obsession must not be entertained.

    And and and and yoo are also drunks
    and yes I need halp I hate drinking with whiny sobbers and blee bloo
    preferences 😛

    Thats waaiiii i neeeed haaalppsss

  • Che


    indulgence is good as long as your body and your wallet can afford it. My wallet always lets me down 🙁

    Well if you drink with whiny sobby people they have super sobering affect. alcohol just doesnt work. Hang out with people who hang out to get drunk 😛

  • Che

    @The Mental Preeti:

    It actually fit perfectly 😛

    No I dont have a life at all any more.
    I am cheating on wife with another wife.

  • Preeti

    I hate to admit …
    But yes … it did

    i bet your omnipresence might be working wonders out there…
    but lives and wives are like hives and knives…

    Terrible…i know

    PS: once is enough. samjha!!! hmph.

  • Running in circles.

    I remember chingam XD
    the indulgence I refer to is cheaper than alcohol deary 🙂
    Oh well yes.
    Nvm drinking, its so sad, the company 😐
    I want to go on a road trip 😐
    I want to go away from bombay 🙁

  • Che

    @The Mental Preeti:

    That was very bad indeed.
    Cant help it, it still works perfectly 😛

    No omnipresence isnt helping because its not just about being present but actually involved doing some work.


    Cheaper than alcohol? There are things cheaper than old monk? 😛

    road trip. i want to get out of mumbai for good. settle in some far away place where no on knows me 😛 Its hard being a celebrity 😉


  • Running in circles.

    Chechundar xD
    Of course there are things cheaper and more effective than rum.
    Not replaceable mind you 😛

    Oh well I want to go the english outskirts
    but thats too much for wishful thinking even

    drinkingonaroadonatripifitsfundrinkingitsalwaysfun 😀

  • Che

    @The Mental Preeti:

    Your quota of comments for this post is now over!


    Alright I will introduce you to momos then. Lets have a momos and rum party this weekend.

  • Che


    Ah yea I have been planning a backpack trip through europe for ages now. All I need is a sponsor!


    I am always ready to travel, sadly my wallet isnt.

  • Che

    @sanely insane:

    No yaar in mumbai only unless you are furnishing return tickets 😉


    I would backpack the world drinking beer at bars. why bother with pics and writing. That too much work.
    You cant die yet, there are still many circles to run 😛

  • Che


    That was almost Chevelle – great car and a good band 🙂

    Beer, rum, ho hum.
    fish’n’chips, smacking lips,
    life on back, right on track.
    and i walk and i walk.


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