Tuesday with Jhayu

Ok its time for *that* Tuesday, that’s got Jhayu all excited. So here is to Jhayu’s 15 seconds of fame, on my blog that is. Tuesday, Twisday, Mardi, Marte or Mangalvaar, whatever you call it, Tuesday still remains a crappy day. And this week it proved to be no different.

Why do I hate Tuesday so much? Well when I was kid, I grew up (despite the general consensus that I didn’t) knowing Tuesday to be the only day of the week you could eat no non-veg, hell not even eggs! What kind of crappy day is that? No wonder I hate Tuesday from the bottom of my stomach.

Anyway fast forward to this Tuesday. So this was the Tuesday when once again my big mouth got me in to trouble. I mean seriously what was the need to brag about being on a school quiz team in my job interview? Now when Sun Microsystems announced a business and technology quiz at Technovate 2008, our CD turned to me. All of a sudden all that bragging started to seem very stupid. I mean I knew a bit about technology, hell I am a certified geek, but what do I do about business. So I did the smart bit, roped in a fall guy. Jhayu!

Jhayu, having recently joined P******m, didn’t know me very well and he seemed to trust me a bit because of Lil Nat being our common friend. Fatal mistake. So he fell for it and we both were signed up as the official entry from P******m at Technovate. Being the only team from P******m guaranteed that we would come back with the best finish amongst all the P******mers by default.

But since when do Fate and I agree upon anything. I propose and Fate disposes. Mean woman. Just a few days before the quiz the CEO returned to office and He decided to sign up for the quiz too. His partner? The CD. Gah! They both are known to be active on the quiz scene since their school days and achieve good results more often than not. Now we were doomed to be the bottom performers.

In a frantic attempt to change Destiny’s mind, I bought some magazines for Jhayu and myself hoping they would magically include all answers to the questions they might ask. Though within I had that sinking feeling, yes *that* sinking feeling. And the hangover on Monday laid to rest my plan to mug up a day before, like I used to during school exams.

Come Tuesday and it was time to dress in formals. Yes formals. Stop laughing, I do wear formals and I look quite good in it too. So I dressed myself in formals. Which meant a white full sleeves shirt over a light blue, clean and ironed jeans. Of course the mandatory Caterpillars to boot. I also brought along the jacket I had bought recently to create the illusion of a suit. Unfortunately no one at office agreed with me. Hell they didn’t even find the white shirt formal. WTF.

Jhayu seemed all set for the quiz. Dressed in *formals* with a spot on his ass to boot. And we were as confident as Indian Government during No Confidence Vote. As the time of reckoning came over I and Jhayu threw in the towel along with the magazines and resigned ourselves to embarrassment. But even we had no idea it would be *SO* embarrassing.

So at stipulated time we reached the venue, The Grand H hotel, and registered ourselves to be hung till death. There were over 40 teams with people from Yahoo, Microsoft, Rediff, Wipro, SUN and what not. And with that went any hopes we had of scoring in the technology part of the quiz.

The first round was an elimination round. There were 30 questions and top 6 teams were to qualify for the finals. It was a mixed bag of easy question, damn hard questions and WTF questions. Mainly WTF questions. One of them showed two pics. One of a man holding a camera and other of a residential type building. We had to link them to form a brand name. Jhayu got all excited, “Ooh ooh oooh, I know that’s a condominium!”
Obviously we couldn’t think or anything that rhymes with condominium except aluminum and that even we knew wasn’t the right answer.

Turns out the dude with the camera was Picasso and the building was a Casa. So the answer was Picassa. Bloody brilliant. And it got worse from there. In the end we were pretty much pulling answers out of our asses, hair, armpits and the air. No wonder we got like maybe 5 out of 30 right. Hell we missed out on the question based on “Pappu can’t dance” because I mistook Rado for Prada! Luckily for us they were kind enough not to announce all the scores so we can still claim that we didn’t end up in the last place (due to lack of substantial evidence). The funniest part was then asked us to fill the blank in this quote “Both LSD and ____ came out of LA and I don’t believe that to be a coincidence”. My answer obviously was Jim Morrison. But theirs obviously wasn’t. It was BSD! Obviously they don’t know their music.

Needless to say We, and by we I mean I and Jhayu, got eliminated and They, and by they I mean CEO and CD, went through. Ideally we both should have headed back to work but then neither of us is anywhere near ideal. So we stayed back to cheer our bosses on. Over next 2 hours the teams fought tooth and nail for the points. And I wont even get started on the questions as they bordered on WTF and even deep in to ridiculous. In the end team P******m ended a credible fifth and won some money too! It’s a different story we had to come back to work to the looks of we-knew-you-would-suck and pending work. On the brighter side we got free tea and cookies at a 5 star hotel! On the not so bright side, we, once again I and Jhayu, have been signed up for the Tata Crucible quiz coming up in September. Oh boy.

61 thoughts on “Tuesday with Jhayu

  • Sree

    Fantastic.See they still have “confidence” in you two!
    White shirt and blue pant reminds e of a school uniform.But am sure it makes you look formal n all.

    Good luck to you and Jhayu for the upcoming!

  • kurtnirvana

    You did Amaze Me with This writing as usual but this time the amazement is about still why i am called stupid after reading this? 🙁 😛

    Good Work Dude I Don’t really think that i can make fun of myself like this.:P

  • mystiquedew


    dang shame on ye, don u know u gotta wear a tie with donald duck prints to be formal???

    As fer the quiz..Bah! they din know wot to ask 😀 😀 😀

    lovelyyy write-up! thank u for the smiles on such a lousy tuesday

  • Vee

    Bravo!!! you made all of us (geeks) proud. Way to go and many heartfelt wishes to Jhayu as well.

    P.S. I know few ppl who say Mangalvaar ko u cant cut hair as well and damn u pulled them out from various places.. 🙂

  • Che


    Oh hell yea. I am a brilliant actor. How else did i get the job that require creativity and talent?
    My school was even worse. Grey pants!
    Oh boy I wish I had taken a pic so you could have judged yourself 😛


    Did you read the same blog that I wrote? Where did I call you stupid, stupid?


    I can do pretty much anything for free food 😛
    Well you see I was trying to find something positive in the whole ordeal 🙁

    Err uhh the 5 umm right questions….lets not get in to the details…maybe it was less than uhh 5…


    Aw yea well I dont have that tie you see, still waiting for one of my fans to gift me one 😛
    Me and ties pfffft. I am no strings attached!

    You are write they should have asked me what questions to ask.

    Lousy day? Then why not blog about it?


    *sniff sniff* Do I smell some sarcasm there 😛

    hehe yea its never the right time to do the right thing….no wait. gah!


    You bet. Hell I ironed it myself too! And I swear it was a formal white shirt but they dont listen to me :'(

  • Jhayu

    My apologies, I should have been the first to post a comment here.

    To start off, Che, you love me! You really love me!
    And yeah, about damn time, too.
    And I still can’t get over the fact that we were the official entry.

    @ Oxymoronic.
    Any day that Che doesn’t have to cut his hair is a good day, I’m guessing.

    @ All who read this.
    Che, formals? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! His white full sleeves shirt didn’t have so much as a pocket. It’s the kind of white shirt ‘metrosexual’ men wear to clubs with the top seven buttons undone. And ironed jeans!! Who irons jeans? The jacket helped a bit, made the whole thing seem less terrible than it was…

    Dude, when you say in formals with a spot on the ass to boot, you kinda imply that to really be in formals, one has to have a spot on one’s arse.

    And for the record, I did NOT go “Ooh ooh oooh”. Now I’m the first to admit I go “ooh ooh oooh” from time to time, but on this occasion, I most certainly did not.
    And damn Rado. The one line I had actually registered of the song.

    @ Quirky.
    Dude, you had to eat that cookie to know.

    @ Sree, Oxymoronic.
    Thanks for the wishes.

    @ Che.
    RSS was my answer. Okay?

    P.S. Che, I never really looked at those mags for more than 45 seconds.

  • Still thinking

    Hey Jhayu, just for the heck of it atleast you could have thanked me too :p

    There Che, I got my answer on the formal shirt as well – it’s true I just can’t imagine the word formal(e) w/ u 😛 and dammit! why the hell am I imagining towels all the time now. I’ve got to give myself some break from your blog now 🙂

  • Che


    No I *dont* love you but I know who does and I will make sure you get all the loving you need on the Goa trip.


    Aw what happened dear?
    I cant even offer you my hanky as i have been sneezing in it 🙁


    Tsk tsk thats not very creative imagination. Its not about what you wear but what you feel, isnt it? And I was feeling damn formal that day!

    Oh btw they towels are black and not blue…

  • Over Rated

    Hey I used to hate Tuesdays too, for the same reason.

    If all the questions were like the Piccasa one, then you should be thankful that you didn’t win. I think.

  • Che

    @over rated:

    Yea I know. Now even though I eat what I want on tuesdays I still cant stop hating. Talk about being scarred for life!

    Oh trust me we were very happy we never got on the stage.

  • Che


    err something got lost in translation here….not sleeveless dear….i dont try to intimidate people with my rippling muscles…..but a proper formal full sleeve albeit pocketless shirt.

  • Che


    No no no. me and work? there must be some misunderstanding.
    I dont do any work when i am at work let alone when i am home.

    please temme how to turn the BAWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL switch off?

  • Jhayu

    @ Stillthinking.
    I’m told you’ve made the mistake of being to my blog. Thanks!

    @ Che.
    Dude, you need to have an epiphany. On his list of ‘Cutest Guys In The Office’, Kafei listed you on top.

  • Che


    He did say he thinks I am cute because I look like JC and he stopped at that. He hasnt been asking me for any *ahem* favors.


    Haha Jhayu will never get that. Its our inside joke, dont tell him.

  • Scribblers Inc

    “riders on the storm” eh?I was a part of BQC when I was the school kid…and yes I have been to Tata Crucible…fuhget it…like all that you are pinning “FOR”…get it?
    Scribblers Inc.

  • Tazeen

    I read somewhere that Tuesdays are the most productive days. People are little slow on Mondays and sluggish and start waiting for the weekends from Wednesday onwards and that only leaves Tuesdays. They probably did not about the no non veg food mantra and its withdrawal effects on boys 🙂

  • Che


    Ah BQC. They meet at my office usually. I am not a part of BQC as I dont enjoy coming to office on my off days 😀
    You mean there is no free tea and cookies at Tata Crucuble 🙁
    Cuz thats all I am pining for 😛


    If only the researchers did some research on my life they would find the right answers to most of the life’s questions 🙂

  • Che


    Man it was organised by Sun Microsystems so they acted as if they they had an UltraSparc III stuck up their arse (though physically that wouldnt be possible but after Hancock I wouldnt count it out)

    Ah well thanks but it was our bosses who came in 5th. We just made up the numbers.

  • Quicksilver!

    @ Hell we missed out on the question based on “Pappu can’t dance” because I mistook Rado for Prada!
    I guess the OCTSD refuses to abate!;)

    I loved reading this.Howlarious, as usual!;))

    P:S:Best wishes to you & Jhayu for the next quiz!;))

  • Che


    Oh yes OCTSD is a pain in the butt. Malls need to get restraining order against me.


    Ah dont be sorry dear. Its ok to make mistakes. After all you are human. Now every body cant be me no?

  • Jhayu

    @ Still.
    I trawl comment threads. I know what you’re talking about.

    @ Che.
    What do you mean, your little secret? You told me about it, idiot!
    Oh, and merci pour le blogroll. Je suis honoré.

  • Che


    Yes only if I was bald, didnt look like a beanstalk and had a dog called peanut!

    Well thankie. detailed report of the post mortem will be put up right after the lynching.

  • Sree

    Okay…there you go:

    Haunted:Would be my favourite.

    Imperfect: I just wish I could make a placard of this poem and
    walk with it for others to see.The feelings are So true and I’m sure
    most of us can relate to it.

    You:I love poetry that rhymes.

    Apocalypse Cancelled: Brilliant thoughts

    The Unheard Voice:
    I like it.But still not enough to change my heart and
    voice against abortion.

    The Crimson River:I luv the thought,the ability to convey
    the topic in such a different style.As they say in Hindi:Kya baat hei!

    The perfect murder: The idea,the thoughts,as usual,brilliant.But thisone I wish if it was said in a hard hitting way.I mean…the idea is so much powerful than the words chosen to convey.

    And It Rained: this one gave me a nice picture of what you wanted the reader to see.Also like how you have kept a thought process for that long and still wanting us to
    have more.This one too is my fav.

  • Preeti

    people here are definitely concluding that i am crazy in the headdo…considering the way i am laughing i guess they are justified in doing so…
    …white formal shirt…and jeans…hmmnnn…what to say….
    even for someone who sports a fresh-out-of-terrorist-camp look this combo is a sureshot winner…

  • Preeti

    🙂 ….
    ha ha ha..
    you know i have actually listed down a few of your lines from some of your posts…have not gone through all but will eventually do so…
    they are so darned good…

  • Zubin

    Man…even I hate Tuesdays…and for the same reason as well…

    not enough evidence eh..??maybe thats why you are in the spot..yet again..!! 😀

    BTW..Jhayu’s 5 min. of fame..?? I don’t see 5 secs in in…You stole his show or what..?? 😀

  • Che


    Now the hate is less since i eat what i want when i want.

    Ah well watch out for our much improved performance (subject to luck conditions) at the crucible.

    well he ha made a guest appearance on my show so what were you expecting 😛


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