Author Archives: Manik

Batman and Robbin’

Thursday. Just another day for lesser mortals like you. Another incident filled day for me. Something had to happen didn’t it. Actually so much has happened over past few days that I am about throw up a series of blogs but being considerate as I always am, I am going to do it slowly.So Thursday was the day me and R finally agreed to watch The Dark Knight. Don’t worry this is not a review of TDK as I have already written one for P******m Continue reading →

A Worderful day

Sunday morning 9 am, I found myself sitting in a car. Not mine of course. It was raining. All around me were lush green fields, tall trees swaying in the wind and not so far away were beautiful hills with low clouds rolling between them. If you looked carefully, the hillside was interspersed with waterfalls inviting you come and take a dip. Sigh. Quoting Bono, “It’s a beautiful day”. Sounds like a perfect day for trekking right? And that exactly what I was NOT doing! Continue reading →

Running woes

Friday I learnt an important lesson. Never overestimate others. Especially at the Gym. A lot of us start going to Gym and get overwhelmed by the stuff that the regular people there do. We think they are all in better shape and are doing much more than we can; after all we are poor little beginners aren’t we? Well my friend Mr. first-hand-experience tells me otherwise. So Friday morning I reached Gym a little early as I had to reach work a little early too. Continue reading →

Height of Soredom

So you all have been wondering where is the blog I had promised at the end of my last post? Well here it is! And why wasn’t it here before? Because I was too sore and tired. And why was I so sore and tired? Gah! Do your questions ever end? Well first I need to answer another question from my last blog. In it I had mentioned some shopping I had done which I promised to explain later. Well here is the explanation. The Continue reading →

Love Me Hate Me but Work dammit!

So where was I? Oh yes the keyboard. Well as you all know, me and electronics have a long feuding history. No wait, its more of a love-hate thing. I love electronics but they seem to hate me. Every now and they connive to throw my life out of gear and I have to spend hours and hour to get it back on track. This weekend was no different. Wasn’t it a last month when my PC died on me and I needed to cough Continue reading →