Author Archives: Manik

Who ate my Cheese?

All 3 of them. And bacon. And ham. And 3 slices of multi-grain bread! Strange things are known to happen to me and this was one of them. Let me explain. Thursday night I was in office till 10:30. Doing what? Erm well hatching the plan for world domination with a colleague. The wheels are in motion and the world shall soon be mine. And just to quote Stewie Griffin, its cool to quote cool people, “When the world is mine, your death shall be Continue reading →

Are you a naturally born female?

Are you a naturally born female? That questioned stared me in my face and I stared back at it, with the words WTF multiplying like crazy in my head, unable to comprehend the deeper meaning it withheld. I ran across this question in the application form for a leading beauty pageant. Of course I wasn’t applying for it idiot; it was a part of my job. Then I had the Big O moment, I mean the Big OH moment and the profound reasoning behind this Continue reading →

OCTSD Strikes Back!

Oh yes it did, but I have people to blame for it this time! My wallet had still not recovered fully from Thursday’s bout of illogical purchasing decision when I had, what the doctors would call, a relapse. And it all started with a SMS. Friday was a usual day at work. In other words there was no work. Nothing. Zero. Nil. Zilch. Nada. Came in and sat through the usual Friday’s training presentation. Then came the slight twist. I had won a bet with Continue reading →

Here is a Shopper!

There is another disorder to add the list of defects in my head. I am now officially suffering from the Obsessive Compulsive Terrible Shopping Disorder. Yes it’s a disorder which is usually found in women but in rare case it gets transmitted to men who spend too much time with them! Sorry ladies but I had to blame somebody! Wednesday as I left office I got an SMS from the store whose name means lively spirit in le french. It said there was a Sale Continue reading →

An Orchid by another name, Doesnt smell the same!

What’s in a name? What’s in a name you say? A whole lot of pain if you ask me. And that’s the lesson I and Amkag, remember my friend who flew in from Brussels, found out this Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Lets start with Saturday. The FIRST Saturday of the month. Which meant I had to go to work and do no work. I reached office late, real late but there were still barely any people there. However few more people turned up by noon, Continue reading →